“Association of the chlor-alkali industry of the Russian Federation” (Association “RusChlor”)

In the industrialized site of the Volgograd "Kaustik" there has finished a competition in the professional skills among workers



More than 230 people out of the permanent staff of the NIKOCHEM Group facilities competed this year with each other in the traditional tournaments for the title of best in the occupation.


Representatives of the fourteen blue-collar skills that were at that moment in the most demand in the industry competed in this year’s September in such a way as to comply with all the sanitary-epidemiologic requirements imposed by the tough current times including being clad in proper personal protection means, keeping a proper so called “social distance” between the competitors and all the other people, and the like. There were operators, repairmen, blacksmiths, instrumentation technicians, electrical\ gas welders, electricians and a few other important skills represented in the competition. What is peculiar of the event being considered is though that for the first time in recent years there also participated in the competitions such skills as the loader driver, painter, compressor and refrigerator operator, and rail track serviceman there.


It were the chemistry lab technicians who wrapped the competitions up so that the winners should represent NIKOCHEM in the Fourteenth Regional Professional Skills Competition having been scheduled to begin early in this year’s October. The point is that the said regional competitions are said to be conducted for electricians, electrical/ gas welders, sewing-machine operators, and chemistry lab technicians. It is also worth noticing in this connection that it is the people from Volgograd “KAUSTIK” who are used to championing the regional competitions in nomination “Chemistry Lab Technician”.


 As to the event at the KAUSTIK premises, there should be shortly named the winners in each of the 14 categories including those who will be also nominated to represent NIKOCHEM in the aforementioned Regional Competitions. Let’s also notice that there were among the participants in the competitions that have finished in the industrialized site of NICOKHEM the staff-members in JSC “KAUSTIK”, JSC “NikoMAG”, LLC “MagMaijn”, LLC “AKSON”, and a branch business of the Volgograd "KAUSTIK”, “Thermal Power Station 3”.

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