Dear colleagues,
Please, get acquainted with a new member in Association "RusChlor” called Limited Liability Company “Scientific-production Association 'Transport Cybernetics" (LLC "SPA 'TC").
Limited Liability Company “"Scientific-production Association 'Transport Cybernetics" hereinafter referred to by either its abbreviated name as LLC “SPA ‘TC” or as the “Company”, was duly incorporated under the legislation of the Russian Federation on April 03, 2015.
The Company has been conducting its business along the following lines of activity ever since:
· test examination of automatic monitoring system “CyberChlor” designed to control the processes of the railway transportation of chlorine so that it should become possible in the future to give up providing the bulk transportation of the liquid chlorine over the railway with any escort of people;
· development, manufacture, implementation, and supply of such an automated tracking system called “CyberTrack” based on the use of GLONASS, GPS, GSM, or ZigBee that should be capable of providing both the continuous monitoring of the cargo railway cars carrying the dangerous products (hydrochloric acid etc.) and the legally valid registering of both the event and place of such in-service troubles that the railway tank-cars got into when they were in use, that have resulted in damage caused to either the inner rubber layer of the tank-cars or the moulded pieces of those tank-cars’ tracks.
· pre-production and certification of the automated electronic monitoring systems, namely optical-electronic lock-and-seal devices “CyberCAT”, designed to exert control over the condition of the infrastructure facilities, means of transport, and the goods being transported so that there should be essentially cut the expenses linked to:
· physical participation of people in works on handling, inspecting, and escorting the cargo;
· keeping the records, management, and utilization of the locking-and-sealing devices;
· localization of the scenes of thievery or substitution in regard to the goods;
· development of system "CyberVan" aimed at bringing under control the integrity of the rail freight cars in regard to the assembly units of the cars’ chassis so that there should be put a barrier to the stealing of the good moulded parts from the rail cars everywhere in the railway network operating under the standard of 1520 mm.;
· development of system “CyberCar” aimed at bringing under control both the integrity and coherence of the optical-electronic lock-and-seal devices mounted onto lorries and cargo trains, which is supposed to secure the fulfillment of the requirements set by the big reinsurance companies in regard to both the unbreakability of the freight sealing systems and localization of the theft scenes so that there should be considerably reduced both the transportation insurance tariffs and physical participation of the crews of people in both inspection and escorting of the goods.