“Association of the chlor-alkali industry of the Russian Federation” (Association “RusChlor”)

Dear colleagues,

It’s really a joy and pleasure to introduce to you a new associate member in Association “RusChlor”. It is Moscow LLC “MagnetPatch”

The Company’s core business is currently made up of mostly designing, developing, and manufacturing the magnetic devices including the ones aimed at sealing / liquidating the emergency leaks (leak stoppers) of various liquids and gases from the magnetically conducting both pipelines and tanks, vessels, tanker-containers, etc. at the production facilities of chemical, oil refining, and gaz extracting industries including those linked to either production or reprocessing of chlorine. MagnetPatch also produces the magnet clamping devices to be applied to tasks in welding and installation works on the premises of manufacturing industries including construction.

In full compliance with the provisions of requirements stipulated in Federal Rules and Regulations for Industrial Safety “Rules for the Safe Production, Storage, Transportation, and Use of Chlorine” Company “MagnetPatch” markets the following complete functional sets of the Company-made devices, appliances, and tools aimed to be applied to the tasks of isolation, confinement, and elimination of the leakages of chlorine:

  • К250/500 – quickly assembled set of devices to be used in killing the leaks from the cylinder barrel walls;
  • К500/1000 – quickly assembled set of devices to be used in killing the leaks from the container barrel walls;
  • К6500/1000 – quickly assembled set of devices to be used in killing the leaks from the tank-container barrel walls
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