“Association of the chlor-alkali industry of the Russian Federation” (Association “RusChlor”)

XVII International Scientific-and-Technology Conference “Chlorine and its Derivatives 2024”

Association of the chlor-alkali industry of the Russian Federation (Association "RusChlor") hereby kindly invites you to participate in the Association's incoming next Seventeenth in the row International Scientific-and-Technology Conference “Chlorine and its Derivatives 2024”.  The Conference is scheduled to be held in Moscow on the premises of five-star downtown hotel Baltschug Kempinski at one of its conference halls from June 04 through 05, 2024.

The conference is aimed at discussing the Russian Chlor-Alkali industry’s both the problems felt and future development trends foreseen.

Therefore, the programme of the conference has been also composed in such a way as to stir up a discussion about the lines of development for the industry under the current circumstances. The programme structurally consists of the following five blocks of themes:

The Chlor-Alkali industry’s both strategy and future development trends

The design engineering, construction, and operating experience gathered in regard to the brand new facilities.

The new construction materials, equipment, and instrumentation that are currently offered to the Chlor-Alkali industry.

The best safety practice to be put into handling chlorine and its derivatives.

If you are planning to make a presentation at the Conference, we would strongly appreciate your notifying us on the presentation’s titles before May 15, 2024. It is also worth noticing in this connection that every presentation’s duration should not exceed 20 or 30 minutes maximum.

Here are the RusChlor's contact persons. Ms. Irene Andreeva and Mrs. Yuliya Chistyakova

Phone: + 7 (495) 742-88-42,  742-88-40; +7(903)-00-95-101

Fax: +7(495) 742-88-40

E-mail: info@ruschlor.ru

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