“Association of the chlor-alkali industry of the Russian Federation” (Association “RusChlor”)
Report on the performance of Association of the chlor-alkali industry of the Russian Federation (Association “RusChlor”) as of the year 2020

Dear colleagues,


Let me introduce to you the latest annual performance report of Association "RusChlor" as of the year 2020.

There are summed up in the first section the statistical data on the industry’s output in major product types as shown by the RusChlor’s member-companies. 

We started analyzing the statistics last year at the request of the Chlor-Alkali industry production facilities. The work will be continued in the years to come.

There are featured in the report’s second section the outcomes of the work that has been performed by the RusChlor specialists in the course of carrying out by the government of the overhauling reform nicknamed “Regulatory Guillotine” in the field of regulatory and oversight activities.

The point is that the RusChlor experts had been actively participating for the year 2019 through 2020 in the activities of task force “Industrial Safety” established by Government Staff of the Russian Federation so that the ad-hock working group should function under the Analytical Centre of the said Government Office. All in all, the task force had held more than 100 meetings. In so doing, all the suggestions and wishes expressed by the industry were consequentially gathered and summed up by RusChlor so as them to be taken care of by the new Federal Rules and Regulations for Industrial Safety in its part entitled “Rules for the Safe Production, Storage, Transportation, and Use of Chlorine”

There are summed up in the third section of the report the outcomes of the RusChlor’s activities taken in the field of voluntary certification under system “RusChlorCert” for the technical devices that are thought to be used at the domestic chlor-alkali production facilities.

The point is that the certificates drawn up under the RusChlorCert system while being analogous to those being issued by both Euro Chlor and the US Chlorine Institute in accordance with the two associations’ technical recommendations make it possible to asses the feasibility of the safe use of the said technical devices at the hazardous production facilities in the Russian Federation.

By now there have been issued in excess of 60 the RusChlorCert certificates the list of which has been in its turn issued in the form of a reference book. There have been also included into the reference book all the so called “Operational Permits” that had been granted by main Russian regulator Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of the Russian Federation (ROSTEKHNADZOR) before the year 2014 based on the Expert Examinations performed by Moscow LLC “National Chlorine Safety Centre”.

The fourth section of the report is devoted to only the RusChlor’s international activities. Cooperation with the foreign and international associations of the chlor-alkali industry makes up an important aspect for the RusChlor’s whole activities. To be able to exchange with the safe contemporary practice experience, to have access to both the technical recommendations libraries and certificates of almost all the world’s countries and most its regions makes up such an incentive for RusChlor that it makes RusChlor immobilize virtually all the available resources to keep its membership in the Managing Committee of the World Chlorine Council (WCC) as well as to continue working under the WCC’s permanent working groups along the lines of safety, ecology, and so forth. Unfortunately, the pandemic changed radically and irretrievably all our itineraries at least in the part of the international face-to-face meetings. Notwithstanding all that, RusChlor strives to keep the international communications at roughly the same level of intensity as it had been before the goddamned pandemic. The essence of this RusChlor’s efforts is featured by this report.

Quite in line with the abovesaid the pandemic has unfortunately prevented us from holding our annual international conference “Chlorine and its Derivatives” as it was initially scheduled last year. What a pity!

 As of now, our 14-th International Conference is considered postponed till this year’s June. We keep the fingers crossed and cherish the hope that it will take place as a face-to-face event on due time.


Sincerely yours,

Executive Director of Association “RusChlor”




Boris Yagud






Lines of activity taken by association “ruschlor” Vs. The problems set up for it…..............................................................................................................

   page 4





Gross output of the basic products by the chlor-alkali industry   half of the year 2020……………………………………………………………………..


page 8






Consolidated data on the product’s output shown by the ruschlor member companies’ production facilities  For the first half of the year 2020 ………………………………………………………….



page 9






Consolidated data on the basic products output by the production facilities run by the ruschlor member-companies for the year 2020...............................................................................

page 16


The “Regulatory Guillotine” sweeping reform in the field of regulatory and oversight activities: Expectations vs. early Outcomes…………………


page 17





Voluntary certification under the “RusChlorCert” system…………………..

page 27





International Activities by Association “RusChlor”…………………………..

page 36






Changes vs. Tendencies……………………………………………

page 37







Overview of the WCC annual meeting that has been held online as an Internet-Conference………………………………………………


 page 40







The annual WCC Safety Seminar that was sequentially arranged and held by the WCC Global Safety Team (GST) as an online meeting under such a programme that had provided for a discussion of the last year’s fourth quarter issue of the GST Newsletter……….




 page 41







Annual, spring meeting of the us chlorine institute            stakeholders …………………………………………………………


page 42







The Environmental Sustainability Paradigm's both development and prevalence……………………………………………………………


 page 44

The full version of the Association “RusChlor” Performance Report for the year 2020 is only accessible by the members in RusChlor as it has been published in the restricted area of the RusChlor’s web-Site, access to which requires registration.


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Chinese company, an associate member in RusChlor, Jiangsu ANCAN Technology Co., Ltd. made up the host party for the visit...